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Today, I heard the news about earthquake in north Japan. It's been more than a month since the earthquake happened in China. I realize that it could happen anywhere and anytime. It will take everything away from you. houses, cars and even lives.

I've been meaning to help a charity project by my friend Luke Cardew who is an industrial designer based in Shanghai. He graduated with me in 2006 from Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design. I remember that his final project was about emergency shelter. When the earthquake happened he immediately took an action of developing his shelter. He came up with an excellent idea of using local material bamboo as the structure of the shelter.

iboughtashelter project teamPhoto taken by Sam Keam

This project is to provide emergency shelter to thousands of people sleeping on the street. Please have a look the project link to see more detail and his blog in the location.

I will post the plan shortly so please watch this space, especially those who is based in Hiroshima.

iboughtashelter T


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