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To those who did not hear yet what happened to me last year.

On 23rd of July 2007, I was playing footy (well, it was more kick about) with people that I don't know. Some big guy tackled from behind and I suddenly lost balance, I looked down and my leg was totally deformed. I automatically lay my back on the ground and put my leg up and held it really strong so blood doesn't get there so much. It looked like my ankle was dislocated and the main bone looked like its going to come out through the skin.

Ambulance got lost in the park so it took about 30 mins to find me. In the hospital they put me asleep and when I woke up my leg was in cast. Then I was carried to hospital room. It was really painful, I couldn't sleep at all. Doctor came middle of the night and try to touch my toe and examined my situation, but I couldn't see the confidence in him. He said its unusual case. He told me that they are taking me to the theater next morning. I was scared. They didn't really tell you what was happening.

Next morning the head doctor came and see me. He told me that They gonna put two bolts in my ankle and I have to keep cast for six months!!! They the doctor said that I can go home a night after of the operation. .umm...

In the end I made my decision to come back to Japan for the operation.
After the operation

I had one bolt and kept cast for about 2 months, on crutches for 4 months, and still on rehab. Well.... I'm working on it.. Fingers crossed.


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